martes 11 de febrero del 2025

Real estate mortgages

Real estate mortgages

The Fierro Diaz Real Estate Organization in CS has a money made up of a select group of investors for loans with first degree mortgage to natural or legal persons that demonstrate debt and payment capacity.


It is important to have the following documents for the process.

Diligenciar solicitud

Fill out the application.

Cedula de Ciudadanía del propietario

Copy of the owner's Citizenship Certificate.

copia de la escritura pública de adquisición

First copy of the public deed of acquisition, duly registered.

Certificado de Tradición y libertad

Certificate of Tradition and freedom no longer than 30 days.

Recibo de impuesto predial

Copy of the last canceled property tax receipt.

Paz y Salvo de valorización

Paz y Salvo valuation issued by the IDU.

Certificado de Existencia y Representación Legal

Certificate of Existence and Legal Representation "chamber and commerce" (in case of being a legal person).

Acta de Socios autorizando la venta

Members' Act authorizing the sale (in case of being a legal person and there is a limitation).

RUT - Registro Único Tributario

RUT - Single Tax Registry (in case of being a legal person.)

The disbursement of the money will be made once the registration is obtained at the corresponding registry office. " Registration of the mortgage in the real estate registration folio